Going through the three stories Jesus tells in Luke 15 he illustrates the longing of God for all people to come to repentance, for all people to truly bear his image and bring healing to the brokenness of the world. That is the role the "body of Christ" should be living out today, bringing liberation to the oppressed, Jesus was doing that by going to the outcasts in Israel. Heaven in the meanwhile was rejoicing to see humanity grasp what is truly life. Sin is a cruel master to serve but "if the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed"(John 8:36).
All three parables conclude with a scene of celebration and this is the eager anticipation for Christians today.The prophet Isaiah gives to us a glimpse of that day "On this mountain Yahweh Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine- the best of meats and the finest of wines. On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Yahweh will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth. Yahweh has spoken"(Isaiah 25:6-8). We have here just a faint glimpse of the resurrection day, yet taken with the other passages in the Bible of that day we find a time of celebration, renewal, transformation, removal of the old order of things, also of judgement, and the justice that creation longs for. The Messiah Jesus will appear as Savior, but also as Judge to all who love the corruptible things in this world,to all who oppress people through the love of power and those who continue to mar the image of their Creator, for these they will experience the "second death"(Revelation 21:8). The Lord is patient toward us however and desires that all come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).So let the church be about Kingdom work! Let us show unity to this world, healing to the hurting, relief to those in need, food to those who are hungry, new life with God through Jesus. A celebration is coming, Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.(Revelation 22:20)
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